Peter Močáry: Performance Analysis of Programs Based on PIN Framework

Disclaimer: This thesis was mainly supervised by Ing. Jiří Pavela; I have served as additional technical consultant. The goal of this thesis was to extend our trace profiler with support for PIN framework. This would allow us to overcome some of the limitations of our current underlying instrumentation frameworks (eBPF and SystemTap).


The goal of this thesis is to extend the Performance Version System - Perun by implementing a new Tracer engine leveraging PIN instrumentation framework. This extension implements basic Tracer functionality and, in addition to that, a recording of function arguments’ values as well as basic block run-times. The additional data, along with the visualizations introduced in this thesis, provide the necessary context that simplifies the detection of performance degradation. Besides the PIN framework, the new Tracer engine implements an analysis of debug information in DWARF format (using the python pyelftools library) to gather details about function arguments before the data collection process. The resulting engine was tested on multiple implementations of sorting algorithms and successfully detected the most time consuming functions along with the information about the effect of its parameter value on the functions complexity. Testing the PIN engine on a larger-scale project revealed that, in comparison to other Tracer engine implementations, the engine performs better or comparably, and produces the correct output.