Gaston: Decision Procedure for WS1S Logic


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My contributions

  1. I was the main developer of the Gaston (while being mentored by Ondra Lengál).
  2. I created the original prototype called dWiNA, that was extended to become gaston.
  3. I was the main designer for the experimental evaluation: how the benchmarks were run, how the benchmarks were evaluated, and how the results were presented (currently unpublished). I also created a replication package for evaluating the strenghts of our library.

gaston is no longer maintained.


To install gaston, run the following:

git clone
make release


Gaston is an implementation of backward decision procedure for WS1S logic (weak second-order theory of k successors). The tool is using libmona a highly optimised deterministic finite tree automata library that supports semi-symbolic encoding using multi-terminal binary decision diagrams (MTBDDs) for storing transition table of the automaton. Procedure generates state space on-the-fly and prunes the states using the antichain-based approach. The tool works on the symbolical representation of the formula as Symbolic Automata and tries to prove on-the-fly that the initial states intersect the final states to (dis)prove validity.


The code of gaston is licensed under MIT licence.

Other contributors