A researcher, a developer, an enthusiast

For the about ten years I have been part of the academic research. In particular, I studied the field of formal analysis and verification, with focus on performance analysis, automatic complexity analysis and basic formal theory (mainly regarding automata theory). During these years, I have implemented (or have been part of the development) of many tools ranging from efficient decisions procedures (Gaston, dWiNA), automata libraries (libmata), performance analysis tool suite (Perun), to some minor products (perfaide, looper, etc.) that were part of research projects.

I have been part of the kernel performance analysis (a cooperation between FIT BUT and RedHat Kernel Performance Team), where I have focused on analysis of different pair of kernel versions, and effective visualization of their performance differences. Currently, I am a part of GraalVM Performance Analysis Team and I focus on performance benchmarking and analysis of various parts of the project.

If I had to list three things that I value about myself, I would say I am:

  1. Good mentor: I have supervised over ten talented and diligent students. Each graduated successfully (usually with honors) with highly graded theses. I have supervised most of them directly, though some of them with cooperation with some of my collegues (with Jirka Pavela, Adam Rogalewicz, and/or Tomáš Vojnar). However, I always was a technical consultant. I take great pride in all of them, knowing I made a difference by making them better (even than myself). They were all great and I would champion them again anytime.
  2. Creative person: I prefer to brainstorm a lot when solving any project I am part of. I believe that so called “diffused” thinking is useful for solving every problem. In my projects I always encourage others to present their ideas, never discarding anything (there is no stupid idea), never laughing at any remark. However, I am capable with other aspects of creativity as well: writing, presenting, illustrating or scheming.
  3. Versatile developer: I think of myself as rather a Jack-of-all-trades, than an expert of the particular field (sadly, probably a master of none, though). I believe one should provide for his/her project maximal support: a proper documentation, well written README, good enough testing, working continuous integration/deployment, performance testing, proper evaluation, etc. I have experience with each of these fields and I never omit any of these from my own projects. Without these, no project is whole.

In my personal life I mainly like reading. I read fantasy fiction (Brandon Sanderson, David Gemmel), detective fiction (Agatha Christie), as well as non-fiction books (focus on health, science and technology) and japanese manga. I like walking, working out and swimming (anything, where I can be alone with my thoughts). I like cooking (I imagine cooking is like OOP: there is a design pattern in every recipe). I like games (tabletops and role-playing games) with good story or interesting gameplay. Naturally, I like sea lions.

In the rest of this site I present more details about myself: publications that I have coauthored, students that I have (co)supervised, as well as projects that I have (co)developed.